Crash when adding Fermata

• Aug 30, 2017 - 21:36

Hi, first of all I want to say thanks for this excellent software. I have only used it a few times but it has been great.

I have found a situation which make MuseScore crash. On Windows 7 Pro 64bit, MuseScore 2.1.0 871c8ce.

I have a particular file where this happens, and I can't seem to replicate it by creating a new file and doing the same thing, so I have attached the file for you to look at.

Basically, I open my file, click on the 2nd Tenor Horn Eb part. At the double bar line just before the trio, I highlight the double bar line by clicking on it. Then I double-click on the Fermata icon from the "Articulations & Ornaments" palette. MuseScore crashes at this point.

Like I say, I have tried to replicate it with a new score but it seems to work fine.

Hopefully you can do something with this information but let me know if you need anything else.



Attachment Size
True_and_Trusty.mscz 26.06 KB

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