plug in to color key signature individually . .

• Sep 8, 2017 - 17:39

is it anyways possible to color the sharps and flats individually as we do for notes . .
even selecting individual accidental when we try to select in a particular line it by default selects all sharps or flats in inspector i.e.edit element sectin . .
so any solutions . .
thank u

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See your own topic about this in the Plugins forum:

The answer remains no; a key signature is a single object. If you want this effect, you'll have to manually create a graphic, mark the real key signature invisible and position your graphic on top of it instead. You'll also have to do this for each system...

In reply to by Shiku

Wait... are you now asking how to color the notes in your score rather than the key signature?
Because that can be done (and there also is a plugin for that).
You can right-click any C# in your score and choose Select → More… where you can then choose to have it select all notes with the same pitch/name. Then use the Inspector (F8) to select a color for them.

In reply to by jeetee

no sir . .
i have uploaded two photos in which one its shown a grouped is the key signature part that is what i want to change to any colour but there are not options like that of selecting notes you get which pitch but here no options sir . .
i even tried like picking up from accidental and placed in the staff but when i want to select individual sharp or flat it selects all so we cannot give individual colours as we give that for notes . .
and thanks for replying sir . .

In reply to by Shiku

A key signature is one element, you can color it or not, but you can not color the individual b or # within it separatly.
You can however individually color each accident in the staff, if you select them individually, but of course not if you select them all in one go, then you can only color them all in the same color.
But you can select all C# for example and color them, this is what the color notes plugin does.

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