Musescore isn't counting rests accurately

• Mar 21, 2014 - 20:43

So I'm composing a piece and everything is going fine. I decide to write in a three beat rest on all of the parts at the end of the first phrase. When Musescore plays back, it only counts two of the the beats. It begins on the next measure and I cannot figure out why. Has anyone else experienced trouble with Musecore counting rests incorrectly? This is really annoying me.

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Experiment_2.mscz 2.43 KB


The problem is that you have created three tempo marks at that spot, all on top of each other, but at three different tempos (132, 180, and 214). So MuseScore understandly is having trouble figuring out how fast you want that measure played. Delete the tempo marks and all plays as expected.

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