Incorrect Contrabassoon Notation and Sound

• Mar 21, 2014 - 21:56

Hello, I was just wondering about an error in your program. The contrabassoon instrument is notated in Bass Clef 8va, however, the sound is actually two octaves lower than it should be. I think the error may be in the fact that the contrabassoon isn't actually notated in Bass Clef 8va. The contrabassoon just like the bassoon is notated in standard bass clef is just sounds one octave below what is written. I think the program is the one octave sound difference in addition to the unnecessary clef this is what is causing the error in the octave. This isn't a huge deal, however, it is causing a lot of incorrect notations that would confuse many contrabassoonists such as myself. I have seen countless scores that have been notated falsely. I know of one sure way to fix the problem and that is to change the clef to a regular bass clef this raises the sound one octave. Thank you! Brock Nutter


FWIW, it seems to be the same way in 2.0 builds, and I agree this seems wrong.

Meanwhile, hoepfully you know you can change the clef yourself - just use the clef palette at left. You can also edit the instruments.xml file to change it in future scores you create.

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