Musescore crashes upon exporting to a soundfile

• Mar 22, 2014 - 19:23

Musescore crashes upon exporting to .wav, .ogg or .flac file which then results to a corrupt and out of time soundfile.
Anyone got any ideas?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

System Information:
OS Version - Windows 7 with service pack 3
Musescore version 1.3.0
Administrative privileges enabled

I am able to export the demo file, but i cannot export other files.
So my current workaround is to export an mp3 file on but it doesn't have synthesizer.

In reply to by Jonirenicus

Are you referring to this score on

I have no problem exporting (actually, 'save as') wav, flac, or ogg *from within* the MuseScore application. The conversion (30 instruments, 20 pages) may take a while depending on your processor speed, etc.
If you can export the 'Reunion' demo file, this one should also work.
(I'm running Windows XP service pack 3, MuseScore 1.3.)

Also, if this is the score, you might want to double the page length (menu item: Layout / Page Settings / Height) to fit all 30 instruments - not only for viewing in MuseScore, but especially if you save it as a .pdf file.


In reply to by Jonirenicus

Concerning those two forum links with similar issues:
The first mentions Mac OS X 10.8.4 (different OS)
The second, although Windows related, references MuseScore - it's an old post.

Anyway, your screenshot shows 'Not Responding' at 27% completion, so it looks like something happens. Also, you say the 'Reunion' demo score behaves properly.

Since we both use a Windows OS, please attach to your post a file which crashes and I'll give it a try.

Alternatively, you (or I, if you attach a broken file) can try a nightly build - perhaps 'export' will work there, since MuseScore 1.3 is closed to further development.


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