Table of contents

• Apr 20, 2014 - 10:24

I would like to propose a feature that generates a table of contents, similar to those present in word processing programs. This would be marvellous for creating score collections, songbooks and the like. I imagine a first implementation simply finding all title texts and displaying them with their corresponding page number.

Please be so kind as to point to an existing thread if this idea has been discussed already.

Thanks for your reply!


generate out of what? A single score has only one title (usually)
So out of a list of Scores? Then this might be the job for a plugin.
Or out of the files that comprise an album (with the 2.0 album feature)?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had thought of generating the table out of a chosen text style found repeatedly in a score, i.e. title text, subtitle etc. This would even open up the possibility of a hierarchically structured table.

But it seems quite plausible to connect this to the 2.0 album feature, as you suggest. Perhaps a check box in the album manager is thinkable, allowing to generate a (preferably customisable) TOC page for the selected files (reading out every files' first title text)?

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