Building Nightlies on Windows Vista with Netbeans 8.0

• Apr 25, 2014 - 18:32

I have been able to download and run nightly builds on my Windows Vista operating system with no problems. I have linked Netbeans 8.0 to Git. I have not, however, been able to get a successful build. Can someone help me with this. What is the best (minimum) C++ compiler/version to use to build MuseScore on widows Vista. Obvious MuseScore does this or I would not be running now? What versions of Qt and other libraries versions should I be using in the build?

HELP?? Does anyone out there have a Netbeans project set up to build muse score. Would you be will to share the associated Netbeans Project you build with with me?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



In reply to by Marc Sabatella

A very powerful platform independent development environment from Oracle/Sun It runs on all operating systems including Linux, Windows, Mac,.... It supports Java, HTML Web Development, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Qt and C++ projects in a single IDE. It supports most SVN software including GIT. It contains some of the best source editing software I have worked with as well as some of the best software debugging capabilities in the market place. It allows me to build on various computer operating systems on the network from a single development platform and source repository. I personally have developed over 500,000 lines of code for various applications using this single IDE.

Oh, by the way it also support building mobile and cell phone apps from this same environment.

I am just hoping I can find a MuseScore developer or contributor who has used it with MuseScore source. I would hate to have to migrate to a lesser development tool to work with MuseScore source.

In reply to by Carl M Jacobson

I'm pretty sure nobody ever used Netbeans to compile MuseScore. Most of the (few) developers are using Qt Creator, some reported a working build with Eclipse. Marc linked to the compilation guide for MuseScore on Windows where you will find the minimum compiler needed (mingw gcc, nobody compiled with Microsoft compiler as far as I know)
This is probably the easiest way to get an working development environment. It would be cool if we could avoid a religion war about IDE here since it's not the place.

If you insist on using Netbeans, you will have to setup the environment yourself. MuseScore build system on CMake and it seems Netbeans support it out of the box. I would start here…

If you need live help, you can find several MuseScore developers on IRC #musescore on Discussion about building MuseScore are better suited for the tech preview forum or the MuseScore mailing list and not in this Support and bug report forum.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

No one likes to leave a comfort zone behind. We all have favorites and methods we become comfortable with. Learning new tools no matter how good they may be takes time. I have downloaded Qt Creator 5.2.1 and am working to set up a development and build environment that works..

Can't wait to get a good build so I can start to do some work. Meanwhile I keep using and working with the MuseScore nightly build as well as my music practice.

In reply to by Carl M Jacobson

I agree that despite the relative merits of different IDE's - and I think that looked at objectively, you'd find QtCreator to be pretty good - there is value in using familiar tools. So I feel your pain :-). But QtCreator is pretty customizable. With some effort, you may be able to get some sort of facsimile of what you are accustomed to in terms of window layout, keyboard shortcuts, etc.

FWIW, in my former life as a software engineer, I was on the development team for SoftBench , one of the very first modern IDE's. We've come a long ways since then!

Do realize that we're in the homestretch for 2.0 right now. While clever ideas for new features or interfaces are fine long term, right now the most valuable thing you you could do is help fix bugs! It's also a great way to get to learn the code, and get more familiar with the capabilities of the software.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As a software engineer you know as well as I that the debugging capabilities are the most important feature of any IDE. Your right about having come a long way. I started BC (before computers) wiring EAM boards in the 60's. I also did significant work on extensions to Microsoft Visual Studio.

Obviously we both know getting programmers to fix bugs, especially those that are not their own is difficult. Most programmers would rather build new features than even fix their own bugs. As a development manager (Technical Fellow) with an engineering software firm (over 600 developers) it was still difficult. My best success in this area was when I got the CEO to contribute $25,000 to a bug fix competition within the firm 387 bugs resolved in under 30-days.

All that aside, I do not think I will have any problems with QT Creator once I can get my MuseScore environment set up and complete one full build. Is there a prioritized list of reported bugs and defects? Is there anyone who attempts to coordinates bug fixes to avoid duplication of efforts? I have not worked in a cooperative environment like MuseScore before, is everything just a pick one from the list type of effort?

In reply to by Carl M Jacobson

Unfortunately, the debugger under QtCreator on Windows seems to be kind of flaky. Not sure if its' QtCreator itself to blame or gdb, which is what it is using underneath the hood. Capabilities are fine, but I see random hiccups - a single step operation that never completes, or crashes, etc. But overall, things work well.

As someone who was in more or less your position not so long ago, I would say you have the general idea - look over the list pick something that either bothers you or that looks easy.

As for lists of bugs, there are at least two out there. Here's the one I maintain:

You can also just hunt through the issue tracker looking for whatever.

If you decide to work on a bug, it is best to start by assigning it to yourself in the tracker, so others know you are working on it. But it helps to have an understanding of who is already likely to be working on what. For instance, I think it would be unwise to assign yourself anything having to do with transposition, as Werner has been all over that lately so there is no sense stepping on his feet. Same for anything to do with multimeasure rests.

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