Musescore for PowerPoint

• Sep 28, 2017 - 23:54

Hi. I'm trying to prevent notes from going off staves in my files. Attached is a file I've been working on. I need someone to fix this problem I'm having and re-attach the file with the corrected appearance please. I'm creating files for input to PowerPoint but I'm unable to do this if the inserted music goes off-staff. Once completed, please re-attach and explain in detail how it was done. TIA!

Attachment Size
MHA Glory to God.mscz 18.77 KB


In reply to by mike320

No - that's not what I mean. I am working on this in Page View. I started working on it in Continuous View to place the music and lyrics in neatly in a way that I can view easily. Now that I'm in Page View I want to "clean up" the music that way the music won't go off the page/staves. This software shouldn't do that...

In reply to by Mike Tedeschi

I see what you mean now. You uploaded it in continuous view so I thought that is what you had confused.

Having said that, You have changed so many settings in the style and layout properties I don't know where to start. MuseScore has done its best to do what you told it to do, even though no human on earth would expect those results.

I have copied the score to one with the default settings. I suggest that you keep the score in page view and change the settings one at a time, keeping an eye on measures 3 and 31. When one of them becomes too big, undo that last change or alter it. This should (but I won't guarantee it) keep all of the other measures on a page, so keep an eye on the whole score. You know what your final goal is as far as how many measures go on a line and so forth, so you are the best person to make those changes.

Attachment Size
MHA Glory to God_plain.mscz 28.46 KB

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