Description of MIDI Import: non-existing features

• Oct 11, 2017 - 07:50

I have translated the MIDI Import chapter to German. While doing so, I noticed some descriptions of feature that do not appear in my MuseScore installation:
- 2x less measure count
- Time signature
- Show chord names
Also for quantisation there is some feature description (e.g. "default") that is not available.
Are these features for future versions? On maybe just the other way: obsolete, because not fully functioning?
Maybe someone could revise the english version and give a feed-back, when done. Or, just tell me that these are obsolete feature and can be removed completely.


These do (or are supposed to) appear with certain MIDI files, as is mentioned in the handbook page:

  • 2x less measure count
    The option is active for unaligned MIDI files...
  • Time signature
    The option is active for unaligned MIDI files...
  • Show chord names
    Shows/hides chord names in the score, if any, for XF MIDI file format.

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