Size text line 1.3 vs Nightly

• May 25, 2014 - 08:48


The size of the text line (Lines Palette) is 12 in the 1.3 version of MuseScore, and 20 in the Nightly.

I find this excessive and disproportionate size relative to the other symbols of the same palette. In my opinion, size 12 is the correct one. Look at the camparison. First example in 1.3, second example under Nigthly.

line tex 1.jpg

line text 2.gif

Personally, I use a lot this sign to indicate "the barrés" in guitar (a technique where you press the left index finger on any part ot the fingerboard).

The feature "Add to template" is not yet implemented, and I have to make a correction to the creation of each new document.

In short, I would like to know if there is a reason (reasons?) of such a change in size (while other values font size in 1.3 versus Nightly remained the same)? Thanks :-)

Ligne de texte 1.jpg
text line Nightly.jpg

Attachment Size
line tex 1.jpg 26.39 KB
line text 2.gif 8.6 KB
Ligne de texte 1.jpg 50.31 KB
text line Nightly.jpg 55.15 KB


There is a reason, but you probably don't care about it... But here it is...

The same style is used for the text line you are using for barré and for Pedal line or trill line. If we set the size to 12, the text line will be ok but the Ped. or the tr. will be too small. In 1.3, the Ped and tr symbols where smaller in the fonts.

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