Corrupt/incorrect score

• Nov 1, 2017 - 20:15

Measure 1 Staff 1 incomplete.
Expected: 4/4; Found: 9/8\n
Measure 4 Staff 2 incomplete.
Expected: 23/16; Found: 12/8\n
Measure 8 Staff 1 incomplete.
Expected: 6/4; Found: 25/16\n
Measure 16 Staff 1 incomplete.
Expected: 6/4; Found: 25/16
First post. Not sure if I'm doing this right. Sorry...

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02-Soffia-la-notte.mscz 17.48 KB


Your file says it came from a pdf file. If you used the pdf converter, it did a terrible job handling the triplets. It changed them in to straight notes with text to indicate a triplet. In some measures, it put in a second voice to be able to enter all of the notes in the measure. It also changed the duration of a lot of measures to 6/4 to accommodate all of the notes. This is not easy to fix, because you basically need to delete all of the triplets and reenter them, change voice 2 notes to voice 1, probably realign a lot of beats...

If it were me, I would scrap the score start over. Fixing corruptions is not normally difficult, but in your case it would be a nightmare.

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