Deleted my introduction despite saving?

• Nov 4, 2017 - 02:03

I'm actually furious that this has happened considering I save at least every 5 minutes.. I spent about 2 hours perfectly planning an introduction for a big band arrangement I'm doing, input it all while regularly saving (a good habit) and after my hard work took a half an hour break in which I closed musescore to watch some YouTube.

While the end result was not long, I was transposing from concert to Eb and Bb instruments using quartal over extended and altered chords, so a lot had gone into the thought process, hence why I'm angry that when I opened musescore back up, the open recent file read 'ScHe5656' and had deleted the entire introduction. Not even like there were random rests in the bars, it was as if I had selected it all and shift-deleted it. Going into the actual folder and opening the file which still had the correct title opened the same thing.

All that time wasted, now I'm just angry and not motivated... can anyone help?!

EDIT: Under further inspection it has also changed the time signature to 3/4 from 12/8....


Why open a backup file?
_ I save at least every 5 minutes_
So, the most recently saved file should be present. In the default folder (see Preferences) or in another ... is there maybe a virtual store?
Which Os?

In reply to by Shoichi

See, you don't understand why I'm so frustrated; I DO save every 5 minutes, normally even more regularly. The most recent file in the 'open recent' tab was called "ScHe5656". Obviously I was going to open it to see what was going on, and this score and even the actual file which I opened from the scores folder had a completely blank intro.

This virtual store, could you tell me more about it? I think that would solve my problem, but I'm not sure how to access it. Windows 7 is my OS, I will amend that!

In reply to by Benjilevin

I believe Shoichi was simply quoting your "I save at least every 5 minutes", not trying to tell you to do something we all know you are already doing :-). Also, be aware that this an international forum, not everyone is a native English speaker, and some people offering you help (including Shoichi) have to translate back and forth, which can sometimes create misunderstandings.

Anyhow, the "virtual store" is a Windows thing, nothing specific to MuseScore. Try a general web search for information about it. But also see the link posted above for more information on backup and autosave copies of your score. Combined with what you learn about the virtual store from your web searches, I am confident this will lead to the solution.

I know it can frustrating when things like this happen, but don't worry, there is almost always a solution.

It is extremely unlikely you actually named your score ScHe5656", so I assume that is the name of an "auto save" file MuseScore created at some point. Perhaps at some point there was a crash and MuseScore restored this file and you continued working on that rather than the original file? Understanding why you are working on that file rather than your actual score would be a first step to understanding where your work got saved.
But most likely, as a result of whatever happened to cause you to be working on that auto save version of the file rather than the actual score, MuseScore also tried to save it to a location that you can't write to, and Windows (I am assuming at this point you are on Windows) elected to without warning put the file into what it calls the "virtual store". That is what the above links are referring to.

So find the virtual store and you will probably find your file. But if not, try to provide more ifnormation on the chain of events that led to this, and we can probably figure out what actually happened. if you saved your file and didn't get an error message, then it must have saved somewhere, just not perhaps to the folder you expect, and we just need to unravel that.

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