Single-step playback

• Nov 4, 2017 - 08:56

It would be a nice feature to provide something like a single-step playback: it should work like when stepping through a notation line with arrow-right/left except that the complete score should sound so that you may hear the harmonies that will appear.
I create chorus scores and for this it is interesting to be able to hear the harmonies in this way.


While this doesn't exist in MuseScore, you can slow down the playback in the play panel (F11) to a desirable tempo that will sustain each of the notes in the entire score. Change the % number of the tempo. There is a bug in the display, so don't worry about what it says the tempo is, just adjust the speed until you are happy with it. You will then have time to toggle playback by pressing the space bar if you need to. I would think this would work ok for a choral arrangement.

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