Note input shortcuts

• Nov 12, 2017 - 02:26

As of this posting MuseScore only has a shortcut for the Re-pitch (Ctrl-Shift-I). It would be nice to incorporate shortcuts for the other 4 note input methods, especially the Rhythm and step time methods. Thanks.


You can define shortcuts for the other input modes. For some reason you have to look for them by what they do rather than their names.

Step-time = Enter notes with mouse or keyboard
Re-pitch = Replace rhythm without changing pitches (Ctrl-shift-I)
Rhythm = Enter durations with a single click or keypress
Realtime (Automatic) = Perform the piece at a fixed tempo indicated by a metronome beat
Realtime (Manual) = Perform the piece while tapping a key or pedal to set the tempo

Using one of these shortcuts after they are defined will put you into that input mode. To exit any input mode press N

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