
• Nov 15, 2017 - 03:29

I cannot figure out how to add triplets to my score


The best I could do was add the crotchet triplets as one crotchet, then two quavers, then double click on the quavers' beam at the top and make them really tall, then double click on each stem to shorten them to the right length, leaving the beam by itself up the top (you can white it out later). To make the bracket, I took one from the Lines catagory and right clicked on line properties. Untick the hook from the end, then where it says -1.20sp, make it +1.30, click okay, then double click on the half bracket to shorten it. Do the opposite for the other side of the bracket, then put a text 3 in between. Of course it won't play back as a triplet, but it at least looks like one on paper. A lot of messing around, but that's the only way I could do it. Hope this helps?

Attachment Size
triplet.png 42.86 KB
long stems.png 56.88 KB
shorten stems.png 53.14 KB
with bracket.png 6.81 KB
with 3.png 32.22 KB

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