Shamisen for Musescore's next update/nightly build

• Jun 21, 2014 - 22:55

I downloaded a recent nightly build of Musescore and saw the tablatures system;
how happy I was when I saw the new Musescore and that it can support a 3-strings tab (balalajka)

I started playing shamisen really few times so I will need someone who have more experience to confirm what I suggest but I think that the only thing to add at the actual system to do a shamisen tablature is to replace the notes graphically like that only for a shamisen tab:

Note: Shamisen notation: 譜尺

Actual -> 譜尺
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 3#
5 -> 4
6 -> 5
7 -> 6
8 -> 7
9 -> 8
10 -> 9
11 -> 10b
12 -> 10
13 -> 11
14 -> 12
15 -> 13
16 -> 13#
17 -> 14
18 -> 15
19 -> 16
20 -> 17
21 -> 18

Thanks for all your work ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

PS: I don't own the images in attachment

Attachment Size
syamisenn_zu_sao.jpg 41.03 KB


In reply to by Arcandius

To help this discussion along some, does the Shamisen notation use Arabic numbers as you showed here, or do they use Chinese/Japanese characters on the tab?

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