See keyboard shortcuts

• Nov 28, 2017 - 18:20

I tried searching the forums to see if this had been brought up recently, but was unsuccessful. Are there any plans to implement an option to see what the keyboard shortcuts are for toolbar items? Such as seeing a small number in the corner of the Quarter Note icon, a 7 in the corner of the Whole note, etc.

I can see why some people wouldn't want this, so I would suggest it be an option to be turned on or off, but it would certainly help someone like me who is quite used to shortcuts used in other notation programs learn these faster.


You can already see these by simply hovering your mouse over the icon. You can also go to Edit / Preferences Shortcuts where you can not only see the full list of shortcuts but also customize them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Indeed, but the purpose of keyboard shortcuts is often to avoid using the mouse. ;) I know you can customize them in settings, see them all, etc., and all that is certainly useful. I'm talking about an option to see what the shortcut is all the time.

I attached a sample of what I'm talking about. The best example I can think of would be a hotbar from many MMORPG's, where they give you the option to see the shortcut for each command. They look something like this.

Again, I know with personal preference, some people would feel this is way too cluttered and would prefer to keep it off. I, personally, would love it, however, and having more options is almost always a good thing.

Attachment Size
Hotbar10.jpg 10.19 KB

In reply to by Jude Gore

I guess I thought you meant, you wanted a way to find out what the shortcuts were so you could memorize them. In which case, a few minutes spend doing the mouse hover or reading the documentation would do the trick. Sounds like you are saying you'd want them to remain on screen even after you've memorized them? Or you are concerned you won't be able to memorize them? It's actually pretty easy since they are laid out logically. All you need to remember is that quarter note is 5, and longer values are bigger numbers, shorter one are smaller numbers. Since the vast majority of notes one enters are likely to be sixteenths through whole notes, the shortcuts 3-7 are really all I probably have "memorized", the rest I figure out as needed.

Anyhow, that said, sure, I could imagine an option to use alternate icons that have shortcuts built in to them. I doubt that many people would use it, though, so it probably wouldn't be prioritized very highly, considering there are other features that many people definitely do want.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Perhaps it isn't in high demand, but I switch between multiple notation programs (particularly because I'm a music teacher and I utilize several different programs in my classes) and find myself often confusing one for the other. Yes, I know I can change it, but I don't want to change it just for mine, only to find it's different when I'm on another computer, or if I end up teaching my students the wrong one.

Even if the icons themselves were easy enough to access within the program or file structure to be customized, that would be a solution. Is there a way to access those resources without having to get into the code and recompiling the entire program?

I'm not sure, if it's necessary to have this as option inside the code. If ever, it should be (as you mentioned) an individually selectable option.

I take from time to time a look to:

Alternative I could imagine to have an edited screen shot of the MuseScore surface with the default shortcuts, which is available via the menu entry "help".

(I assume, when I define a customize shortcut, I don't need such a memory)

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