Song Recognition

• Nov 30, 2017 - 02:05

This is probably an outlandish feature to ask for, but I'll ask in case it just so happens to be feasible. Can Musescore have an MP3 input, and output the parts according to what instruments and melodies and whatnot it recognizes?


If I make you a recording at a reception of about 20 people talking all at the same time having conversations, even if I'd tell you which people were present. Can you give me a full transcript of each separate conversation?

Or as Jojo likes to state: you can't unscramble an egg.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

There is also software which claims to convert an MP3 file into a scorewriter package - and then export as XML. But having tried such software on a recording of a full orchestra, I gave up completely on audio recognition: the results were chaotic (even for a piano quintet). It's much easier just to input the notes in MuseScore.

On the other hand I have had great success with optical music recognition (OMR) of scanned pages - but I did pay for that software. The success rate of the recognition varies between 70% and 100%, depending on the quality of the scanned image. Some of the sheet music was very old, faint, skewed or distorted.

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