futures request.

• Dec 5, 2017 - 16:27

dear musescore team,

I'm installing musescore in many schools and music professors are very happy.
before they used final, but now they only use musescore because it is more
beautiful and much more functional.
students can install it on their PCs to share all the material with the
I ask you, on behalf of many professors, to implore these small changes in
the mosescore to make it even more powerful.

1) have the possibility to enlarge / reduce the single pentagram in% also
different from the small pentagram option.

2) have the possibility to enlarge / reduce the various systems break
independently (final like)

3) possibility to visualize the distance between staves (the spacer should
allow the extemporaneous reading of the distance)

thanks for your great job!!

Best regards,



If I understand correctly, everything you list is already possible, and the Handbook sections listed above should get you started. I would just also add the section on "Staff properties", which is how you would change the size of a single staff.

If you have further questions on how to use any of these features, please attach a sample score and describe in more detail what specifically you are having trouble figuring out how to do.

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