Adding measures to an exsisting song

• Jan 1, 2018 - 16:00

I need to add some measures to the end of a song, but when I use CONTROL+B it squishes all the other measures in that line. SO my question is how do I add normal sized measures?

(Please understand that I'm very new at this)

Also can someone explain how to start a new document with nice big measures (instead of the really tiny ones) I have tried changing the time signature - but no matter what I put (even 16/16) in the measures are so small... what am I doing wrong?

Attachment Size
messed up.mscz 6.3 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for the reply... but these instructions show to manually stretch each measure..... there has to be an easier way.
I think my mistake is when I'm setting up the new document.... seems to help a little bit if I adjusted the "pick up measure" to 30.... but then it only gives me on line of measures that have enough space... and if I add more it squishes them.

Please tell me how to set up a NEW document to where I will have more space in each measure without manually adjusting each one...

Attachment Size
still messed up.mscz 3.75 KB

In reply to by northfrost

As you add notes, MuseScore automatically stretches the measures according to standard principles of engraving. So don't worry about anything until you are all done entering notes. if after that you feel you'd like to adjust things to have wider measure (or, in other words, fewer measures per line). then you can increase stretch or add line breaks. As described above. But it is counterproductive to try doing this before your music is closer to being done, as it is likely you will not make very good decisions without seeing everything in context. And remember, the defaults should be good according to standard engraving principles, so you really shouldn't mess with without specific reasons.

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