shortcut for Extending the Value of a Note Without Cutting or Erasing notes that follow.

• Jan 3, 2018 - 02:32

Sometimes when writing out an idea coming up with variations on themes I think "Oh!, that clarinet riff I wrote would sound so much better with this percussion if it came in one 32nd note later!" but I there seems to be no shortcut for being able to shift or "push" a note over at all when you insert a rest. The extend note shortcut merely elongates the selected note, and erases or cuts down any note following it. If i want to re sync different parts, I have to cut out the whole phrase and make space by adding measures or rests to fit it in, then sync it. This approach works, but sometimes, when I'm drafting something, I would like to be able to press "insert" or "space" like in MS word and just move something over by a certain value. Is this at all possible?


The way to take a selected group of notes and move them later, or earlier, or to a different staff, or to anothger score, is the same - cut and paste :-) No need to delete or add measures, just the regular cut and paste leaves everything else where it is. And if you actually want more than just the clarinet part moved, simply select all the parts you want moved and cut & paste them together.

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