Dealing with different time signatures in different parts: is this possible?

• Jan 7, 2018 - 14:06

I've seen where you can enter local time signatures. But, when I try it for the transcription I'm working on, I can't get it right. I'm transcribing mensural notation, and I have three parts in cut-C (duple meter), and one part in circle--a.k.a, a triple meter, say, 3/2 in modern notation. Essentially, the whole note in the cut-C is equivalent to the half note in the triple meter. I realize I can get the music entered in a very awkward way, using the cut-C time signature in all parts and using a lot of ties, etc. But, I'm transcribing this for didactic purposes--to demonstrate to students learning mensural notation how to interpret and play this music. So I want to show the triple meter part in the modern version of the mensuration it was written in.

Any advice? Or should I go back to pencil and paper?


I have a "How to" I created to explain this.

I suspect that you will want to use the local time signature option. When you do this if the are more lines with one time signature than the other, enter those lines first. Then enter the other time signature on all other lines before you enter notes. If you are not aware, you can right click on a time signature at any time, select Time Signature Properties and change its appearance. The "How to" is located at

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