Special Guitiar Effects

• Jan 24, 2018 - 00:26

I have a question. I'm using Musescore to create songs for a band. I have looked all over while creating music for the guitar for some special effects. I was looking for a Whammy Bar effect, and wah-wah pedal effect. If these are added, please let me know how to access this and if not, can it be added?

I have Windows 10, so if you do create it, make it avalible for windows 10. All respect and Thanks!!!


The Whammy Bar (called Tremolo Bar in Musescore) is in the palette Articulations & Ornaments (last symbol, like a V).
Available in Special characters (Ctrl + T + F2), too. As some wah-wah effects (see image below)
But this is only symbols (the playback is not supported currently)


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