MuseScore application to Google Summer of Code 2018

• Jan 24, 2018 - 09:37

After 4 years of fruitful participation, MuseScore applied to Google Summer of Code 2018 (GSoC). If you don't know GSoC, it's a program launched by Google to help bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school and get stipends from Google.

The first step is for organisations like MuseScore to apply to the program with a list of ideas. I created an idea list here : Please add more ideas if you want to mentor a student this summer or if you want to be a GSoC student. Selected organisations will be announced on February 12, 2018.


Awesome! It's such a wonderful program.

I hope to be able to mentor a student or two and have some new ideas to add to the list. I'll be out the rest of the week but should get to this next week.

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