Encapsulation of notes in a single notation

• Jan 28, 2018 - 19:02

User story: Let's say one has a really complicated series of 128th notes that is played very often in the song, so often in fact, that it will need to become familiar to anyone reading the score. Let's say one wishes to consolidate this series of notes as a simpler notation. There should be a way to consolidate a series of notes into a single symbol of the user's choosing. Is this possible with the current framework? The articulations and ornamentations palette seem to be a good route to go for this. Just like the user is already able to make custom time signatures, one should be able to "ornament" a note as more complex series of notes. The trill, mordents, and pralls already seem to do this, albeit with no underlying customization.


The current framework of standard music notation, you mean? The answer is no, not really. You could make up your own, and depending on what you choose, it should be possible to implement it within MuseScore. For instance, create a graphic in a drawing program, save it as SVG or PNG, and add it to your score where desired. or bring up the Symbols palette (press "Z" to display) and see if you can find something that works for you.

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