Page Turns

• Feb 3, 2018 - 16:23

I keep trying to swipe over to the next page while i'm practicing on the piano, but i keep grabbing notes and moving them inadvertently. sometimes i can ctrl z and undo the mistake, but often times this is a distraction while i'm trying to practice. is there a way that we can lock the score or pop out the music in a flip page type of format so that i can just tap the page and it will turn either back or forward? often times it requires multiple swipes in order to drag the page to the correct view, but by then i've missed several beats of the song.



Definitely don't drag the page - that's the least efficient and most error-prone way of navigating. Preferred methods would be use of mouse wheel or corresponding touch gesture (eg, two finger swipe with or without Shift), use of Page Up / Page Down keys, or the Navigator.

As mentioned, there is also Continuous view. And in Page view, you can set the pages to display horizontally rather than vertically (see Edit / Preferences / Canvas), which is probably more efficient for your particular purpose - all you ever need to scroll is two-finger swipe up.

You could also consider using the dedicated mobile app to view your sheet music rather than trying to use MuseScore itself for this purpose - the mobile apps is more optimized for this.

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