Scroll wheel over Inspector changes parameters

• Feb 20, 2018 - 18:01

In many modern applications, when the mouse pointer is over a scrollable region, the scroll wheel allows scrolling through it. In the case of Musescore, this is true for the palette panel and for the main window. To some extent, it is also true for the inspector, but there are two situations where the behavior is not the expected one. The first is if one starts with the pointer over a parameter box. The box is immediately highlighted and when srolling the parameter changes (even in cases as notehead types and the like). The second situation is when one starts scrolling and stops briefly to move the finger back to continue scrolling. If one inadvertently stops over a parameter box, the scrolling stops and, again, the change-parameter mode engages.
I acknowledge that in some cases it may be handy to change a parameter without need to open the deployable menu, but when working with a small screen with no room for the whole inspector panel, being able to rapidly scroll down is more convenient.
Another possible improvement would be to be able to customize the inspector, allowing to hide those parameters that are seldom used by a particular user.


I have seem much discussion of this problem in the past. I thought there was a bug report/feature request to fix it, but I'm not finding it right now. I agree that scrolling through the inspector should never automatically change any settings without specifically selecting the option/tool.

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