save to external disk?
In the Preferences I want to set my preferred folder to save scores in an external disk.
When I try to change it though, under root I don't see 'media', where that disk lives.
I do see all other folders under root, like app bin dev etc and so forth.
Why can't I see media?
You have to type in the path, e. g. H:/MuseScore ecc.
In reply to You have to type in the path… by Shoichi
It works, thanks, but does not so flawlessly; going to the folder it looks empty, whereas opening straight from the folder (eg not from within Mscore) it does contain the files and opens them with Mscore.
Saving a new score saves it to nowhere apparently - it can't be traced once Mscore is closed.
Also recently I have had crashes regularly - I think I'd best delete Mscore and reinstall the ppa version (I'm on LinuxMint 18.3)