more donation/payment options

• Mar 7, 2018 - 01:24

I would like to support you guys, but:
As I live in Germany I can't use Paypal to pay. And I don't have any creditcard. Creditcards are still not that common in use in Germany as in other countries.
I wanted to suggest more diverse fee options.
As some people don't have so much to live for, it would be good to have f.e 3 different amounts to choose from.
Lets say 4$/mth, 7$/mth, and 10$/mth. + any free donations.
See, in my case, because I really have to check on the money twice, (I don't know, if this is real english, in Germany we say to "turn every cent twice, before spending it"), I really would like to give something for you people offering your effort for free. If it would be 4$/mth, sure, right away. But with 7 I'm already wrangling with myself. It would just provide the possibility for more people to give. And I also think, the ones who are at the sunnier side of life, will more likely choose the higher option.
Pretty sure that you're not loosing but gaining.


Living in Germany is no reason not to be able to use Paypal.
But Paypal is not an option for donations anyway, neither is credit cards.
Direct Bank transfer is, and that should work just fine for every one in the EU

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