Can't make separate parts

• Mar 8, 2018 - 07:07

So the title might be a bit inaccurate, but making it accurate would take the entirety of the description. I can make separate parts and separate tabs open when I do so, but my first part copies itself onto the new part, and making any changes to either mirrors the change onto the other part. I can't find any other documentation of this problem, and as I'm trying to write a duet this is hugely detrimental. Any idea on what's going on? If not, is there a way I could listen to both parts (saved as different files) simultaneously without going through too much hassle?


It would be best to upload the score. It sounds like you intervened in the process of making parts somehow and made the parts the same yourself. If you press the "New All" button then immediately press the "OK" button you will get every part created. You can delete any unwanted parts by opening it, clicking the part then click "Delete," which reminds me, make sure you delete all of the parts before using the new all button.

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