AppImage only install musescore.desktop file and icon.

• Mar 12, 2018 - 16:44

Is it possible to only install a musescore.desktop file and an icon in Linux? Even with the latest version of MuseScore, I have experienced what can best be described as feedback on occasion when using MIDI playback after having installed MuseScore as a package or by running ./install MuseScore.AppImage. As I have worked hard on my new system, I want to keep everything from the MuseScore AppImage off of my system, except a musescore.desktop file and icon, so I can avoid the feedback issues, and still integrate MuseScore with my Linux system.


A simple way should be to create a new launcher via right click on your desktop, at least with XFCE. Didn't test it with other desktop environments, but should work there in the same/similar way.

In reply to by globetrotterdk

You can always change the icon by pressing the icon button inside this dialogue. For me the MuseScore icon appears, if I search for mscore in the following window. But the reason could be that it appears for me, because I've installed a distribution package beside the appimages.
In this case select the icon from an image inside this dialogue (choose "image files" from the dropdown "select icon from"). Maybe download an icon from here:

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