
• Mar 31, 2018 - 02:11

I want to figure out how to put a beam with a half beam under it. I have it on one, but not the other.

Attachment Size
Capture.JPG 18.44 KB
12.JPG 17.48 KB


I think what you want is a sixteenth note in the 12.JPG like in the Caputure.JPG. If this is what you want, then press 3 to tell MuseScore you want a 16th note when you enter it, then press 4 to continue entering 8th notes. In 12.JPG, you can make the D you want to be a 16th note by

make sure you are not in note entry
click the D
press 3 - the D will change to a 16th and a 16th rest will appear next to it.

You will need to start entering the notes after the 16th note from scratch. The notes you enter will overwrite the existing notes if you are using the keyboard. If you are using the mouse, you will want to delete the notes after the D and start over from there.

In reply to by Jordan Scanlon

For measures 25 & 29 you need to press 4 before entering any 8th note (the ones with only 1 line) and 3 before any 16th note (the one with 2 lines). To tie 2 notes together, press the length of the 2nd note, in this case 3 for a 16th note, and press +. Instead of using the numbers you can click on the notes on the toolbar that should be visible near the top of the MuseScore window. When you enter notes, the rests will disappear. The rests make a good gauge to tell you that you made a mistake if your think you are done and still have a rest.

I suspect a measure like 30 will also cause you problems. You need to put the notes with the stems down in voice 2. See if you need help with that. You can make the extra voice 2 rests invisible by selecting them and pressing V. Selecting a single note and pressing X will make the stem point in the opposite direction if you need it at the end of measure 29.

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