Asking for feedback regarding Lines + Text

• Apr 5, 2018 - 04:16


I've recently fixed the vertical problem regarding the ending text with lines, and now I'd like to ask for feedback before attempting to patch another situation that became apparent as I was dealing with the issue.

As it currently is, a line will move along with the text if the user applies a horizontal offset. At first it might seem appealing, but then if the user wants to buttress some text right next to the line or then wants to have it above the line, the user won't be able to do so. It can't be done in 2.2.1 or 2.3 so far. Let me give some examples.



Mind you that those are with increased horizontal positions. The result is as if there is no change at all in relation between the end of the text and the beginning of line. Here it is with a proposed fix where the size of the rectangle in the code isn't re-sized depending on the location of the width of the text, therefore allowing the user-defined horizontal position to be more usable imho:



To me it seems obvious that this should be implemented as it has been in order to achieve the screen shots, but the only problem then becomes that sometimes when dragging the lines around there is a bleeding of the text that goes away once dragging ceases. I'm looking into this currently.

Any ideas, observations, or what have yous?


P.S. the bleeding (and hiding) happens whether I implement the change or not. Albeit, it only really happens when the text is really high or low like -/+7.00sp on the vertical plane, I'm not sure what's causing the problem. It's not really that big of an issue, especially since practically no one will have such a large vertical offset, but if it could be resolved it would definitely be worth "cleaning up". I've produced a little video demonstrating what I mean and will include it here. No mp4's allowed here so here's a .gif:


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