Tablature for Melodeon

• Apr 8, 2018 - 10:00

Please, let me know how to create this kind of notation for 2-row diatonic accordion, see the attached file.
Are the numbers created as figured bass?
How are vertical lines connecting the numbers and bass letters/chord created?

Thanks for your hints


Attachment Size
tablature2.png 23.43 KB


I currently do not have the time today to translate the post I made a while ago in the Dutch subforum; but see for an example file realized with MuseScore (2.0.3 back then).
The only thing it is missing from your screenshot is the rhythmic tab-like indication (your "vertical lines"). Perhaps someone else will come up with an idea on that, likely realised as some kind of linked tablature staff with lots of things hidden.

In reply to by jeetee

"how to create this kind of notation for 2-row diatonic accordion"

A plugin (it continues to work for 2.x versions) is useful for this:
I achieved a template, with various settings, for this instrument one year or two back. Template Diato.mscz

1) After entering the notes, you are: diato1.mscz

2) For entering the chords, as usual: select the first note, and go with Ctrl + K (you have nothing to do other, the setting is in consequence)
For the playback (not necessary, but it's just I prefer!), I enter notes in invisible staffs (press "I" -> check Visible for see what I do).
So, you are: diato2.mscz

3) Third step: applying the plugin.
With first result (so, as expected, with alternative of the buttons on the 2 rows): diato3 first result.mscz

4) At last, you have to edit (double-click and remove the button not wished)
This edition takes a bit of time, but the result is good (well, my opinion) ! :) diato3 edit result.mscz

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