Space in measures

• Apr 29, 2018 - 19:18

I'm having a problem getting more space for notes in measures.. is it because of the rests??? and also when i add 3 quarter rests the fourth on always turns into a dotted eight rest, and when i put a sextuplet with that dotted eighth rest, under it the rests that i want it to be which is the 16th rest will turn into a 32nd rest, and i need the space to put in 4 sextuplets with 4 16th notes in it but there is no space so i need help with that, does this make sense?? i need help..!

this is what i need it to look like: (picture in file below)

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Photo on 2018-04-29 at 2.17 PM.jpg 177.94 KB


Seeing what you have done in the score would help us better understand what is happening. Attach the actual score for precise answers.

General answer: on the solo staff make 4 quarter rests before you do anything. Then select the 4 rests (or select the entire measure) and press ctrl+6 to get your sextuplets. You can then enter notes, rests, slurs... and it will look almost exactly as your display.

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