Can someone please help identify this weird notation?

• May 3, 2018 - 12:24

I am transcribing a piece of music to practice to, but I have come across a strange note combination. Can someone please tell me what it is called, and how I can enter it into Musescore?

It looks like two dotted minims, within the duration of one dotted minim - but with the beam of a demisemiquaver. (see the attached image)


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Weird note.jpg 39.3 KB


Though you can still enter it onto your score.

From the handbook:
"In a two note tremolo, every note has the value of the whole tremolo duration. To enter a tremolo with the duration of a half note (minim), enter two normal quarter notes (crotchets), and after applying a tremolo symbol to the first note, the note values automatically double to half notes."

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