figured bass

• May 5, 2018 - 21:10

I have been using Musescore for a few weeks now for editing baroque music and find it very easy to use and producing good results. However when adding figured bass to a score it is not possible to place figures where the harmony changes during the course of a bass note. I have found that it is possible to attach the figure to a moving upper part and move it down below the bass line but when parts are extracted the figures then appear in the upper parts. I understand from colleagues that other programmes allow the space key to move to the next beat for a figure rather than the next bass note.
Are there any solutions to this problem that someone knows about? Thanks. Mark


Figured bass gives you complete control over how many (fractions of) beats a notation applies to. shows exactly what to press. To simplify what it there, after you enter your figures, press ctrl+ the number that corresponds to the size of the note the figure applies to. So you can change the duration every 64th note if you want by pressing ctrl+1 after each figure.

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