Change a specific note or range of notes into rests

• May 14, 2018 - 00:01

I've been using MuseScore to create a five-bass-drum battery part. I currently have all five parts on one staff, but I'd like to put the bass 1 part on one score, the bass 2 part on a separate score, etc, but I'm not sure how to do this. Is there any way to turn the basses 2-5 parts into rests while the bass 1 part stays without me having to retype every part manually?


In reply to by Riley Knapp

I would say the easiest way to do this is to make 5 staves (you can count the existing one as one of the 5). Copy all of the bass drums notes to the other 4.

Select a staff.
Right click a note that belongs on the staff.
Choose Select>more...
Check Same pitch
(VERY IMPORTANT) click the dot next to "Subtract from selection".
Press delete and you will only have that drum's notes left.

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