Repeating the first few measures

• May 19, 2018 - 11:25

I have played music for many decades, but have never actually seen a piece of music that starts with a selected set of measures and then jumps to a different set each time through.

I've only been writing music for the last 10 years or so. I have a piece of music I've labeled measure 2 with P1, there's a label P2 at measure 12, there's a label P3 at 20, and a label P4 at measure 43. That's because section P1 is measures 2 thru 11, P2 is measures 12 thru 19, P3 is measures 20 thru 42, and P4 is measures 43 thru 54.

What I would like to have it start at measure 1 (of course), and then play P1, P2, P1, P3, P1, and P4.
That is, play P1 at the start and between each of the other P's.

What would be nice would be a, 'skip' function that would skip to the designated marking.
Is there such a thing?

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