How to set tubular bell ring duration?

• May 19, 2018 - 15:03

Tubular bells (in the pitched percussion instrument section) ring for a certain duration seemingly independent of rests, tempo or measures. Is there a way to shorten the duration of the ring? As if someone touched the instrument to quickly end its vibration. Is there a percussion notation that I'm not aware of?
Thank you!


"Choke" would be one possible notation you could add. I've seen it notated different ways and don't have a sense of what the most common is, you might search around on that term (especially with respect to cymbals).
In any event, human musicians should understand but MuseScore's playback will not - whatever duration is in the soundfont is what it is. You could always try another soundfont that might have a different duration, but of course that's a global change., not a way to cut off one note only.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply! Although it would be nice to have the duration variable for playback, it shouldn't be any problem to shorten the sound manually and make a new soundfont out of that... only need an octave's worth of notes so no biggie.

Appreciate the help!

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