GSoC 2018: Score Comparison Tool — First Week

Posted 6 years ago

Hi everyone!

This week I had a bit less time to work than I expected — I had to finish my master work, and it took a bit longer than I supposed before. Anyway I finished it and could finally start my work on this score comparison project.

The first week was reserved in my plans for the preparatory work which would allow me to focus fully or almost fully on the work on the first part of my project: changing the MSCX fileformat. This goal was generally accomplished. I split or made it possible to split easily the functions for reading and writing two flavors of MSCX fileformat — the one which is present now in MuseScore 3 and the new which will be developed. I created some simple tools for automatic and manual testing of my changes. Alongside with that I spent time investigating deeper the codebase related to the scope of my task — which unexpectedly resulted also in a small bugfix and some questions to discuss.

Concerning the tasks I have not accomplished as expected I can probably mention the remaining need for a final version of the planned fileformat changes. This question was discussed since the Community Bonding period with my mentors and on the forum but there are still decisions to be made. So I hope to finish all the discussions on this topic during the next week.

So my next week's tasks will be to start implementing those changes in MSCX fileformat that seem to meet no objections as well as finish all discussions on the whole fileformat changing plan.

And, finally, I'll put a link to this project's branch of MuseScore on Github:

Thanks for your attention!
Dmitri Ovodok