Still another "Does this feature exist" question. Pause until input.

• May 27, 2018 - 05:11

Does Musescore support a full-stop feature in playback? It appears that the only variable for caesura in the Breaths and Pauses pallette is to set a specific length for a break. What I would like is for playback to simply stop at a given point, and not resume until I give some input.

I'm currently working on a stage piece in which several fanfares are alternated with dialogue. Just hitting the space bar is probably the simplest way to resume playback, but I can imagine scenarios in which a midi trigger would also be of value. (Yes, I understand that I can use the space bar to stop playback, but an automatic stop would be preferable.)



I can imagine scenarios in which a midi trigger would also be of value.

You can trigger play/pause via OSC if you enable the OSC server in Preferences.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yes, thank you. I have been reading about this. I also see that there is a MIDI Remote Control section on the Note Input preferences page. (Though I'm not sure what Rewind, Toggle play, Play, and Stop have to do with Note input.)

As I understand it, Breaths and Pauses insert a pre-determined time between MIDI note events... One note ends, the computer counts for a bit, then the next note begins. (I know this is an over-simplification.)

Actually, judging by the play/stop toggling behaviour of the program, I suspect Musescore may be sending MIDI stop and play commands at the beginning and end of pauses.

My question is whether it is possible for an option in which a pause or caesura sends a MIDI stop command (11111100 - HEX-FC) to the Musescore player, which requires some input by the user to continue?

It's the automatic stop that I am looking for... something that frees me from having to stop the player myself so I can attend to other things. (That makes me sound REALLY lazy!)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc. That's very interesting. I see there's also MIDI actions in System Text, which would make more sense to me. (If I could figure out how to do it.)

The kid who plays sax at the restaurant down the road has his accompaniment on his tablet. When he reaches a solo break, the music stops on its own and resumes when he uses a BT foot pedal.

For my limited use, access to MIDI events would be enough for a start. I thought Musescore had a piano roll, or matrix, but for the life of me, I can't find it.

Thanks again.

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