Bug: Staff bracket - does not attach properly between bottom 2 staves of 8-voice score

• Jun 7, 2018 - 04:43

I'm doing an 8-part choral score (SSAATTBB). Trying to apply a bracket to the 2 bass staves, analogous to brackets applied to each of the other pairs of staves (SS, AA, TT). When extending the bracket first applied to Bass 1 down to Bass 2, upon releasing the bracket flips up and attaches to the S1 staff instead of the Bass 2 staff.

The attached image file shows where the bracket winds up -- look closely for the blue line to the left of the score that extends from Bass 1 up to the bottom of Soprano 1

Attachment Size
Bracket bug.png 299.35 KB


Hidden instrument is my guess as well. Go to Edit / Instruments, make it visible, then adjust the bracket correctly, then hide it again if desired.

In order to say more, we'd need you to attach the actual score, not just a picture.

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