Removing Unwanted Natural Signs from Percussion Stave

• Jun 24, 2018 - 11:38

Odd. I’ve imported an unpitched percussion track via MusicXML. In MuseScore my clef shows correctly as a percussion clef, but because the accompanying music is in a flat key, many of the unpitched percussion notes are appearing with natural signs next to the notes. Is there a quick way of removing all the natural signs from the percussion stave?


Most likely the MusicXML file is missing the required information about the layout of the percussion staff. Feel free to attach your problem MusicXML file for verification. I know older versions of Sibelius had this limitation. Not sure if they've fixed it, but I think the Dolet plugin does.

Meanwhile, I'd recommend creating a new staff from within MuseScore and copying the content to it. You may find more work required, though, because unfortunately there aren't the sort of standards for percussion that one would want.

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