MDL Suspended Cymbal?

• Jul 12, 2018 - 21:52

I cannot get the suspended cymbal at all, is it not a thing or am I doing something wrong?


Improved cymbal sounds, including suspended cymbal rolls, will be in one of the next MDL updates. Stay tuned.

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In reply to by Daniel

BTW, would it be possible to get that same suspended cymbal sound incorporated into MuseScore_General?
That and gongs are probably the most commonly-requested additions for percussion. I gather these are not part of General MIDI, but that doesn't mean we can't add them to our own kits in unused slots.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

We can update the sounds in MuseScore_General, and they will be a bit better than current, especially for cymbal roll, but I would not suggest to have too high of expectations as SF2/SF3 is very limited in comparison to SFZ.

To explain, with SFZ the cymbal roll would call a separate midi pitch and sample from a hit. In addition, let's take a cymbal roll that is a crescendo that builds and crests into a release. This would require separate values and samples for the initial attack, the build and the release, and logic for how this is distributed over the duration of the note. On top of this, there is round robin capability to alternate these samples to make it sound even more realistic.

SF2/SF3 has none of these capabilities.

I do think it is important to continue to update MuseScore_General and would be great to create a proper port of this for mobile. This improves the very base level playback functionality of MuseScore, the combination of extension, SFZ and continued improvement of the Zerberus synthesizer create new opportunities to better support users looking for more accurate and more expressive playback.

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