Adria's music drills for triad chords in root, first, and second inversions of a music scale (color coded)

• Jul 27, 2018 - 04:07

Triad Chords and Inversion Music Exercises for the following scales: C major, A minor, G major, E minor, D major, B minor, A major, F# minor, F major, D minor, and B flat major and G minor.

Chords in root position are the one with the colored bottom note. First inversion of chords are the triads with the colored top note; Second inversion of chords are the triads with the colored middle note.

the colors include:
Red = tonic chord or chord I (chord i) ,
orange= supertonic (chord ii) ,
yellow =mediant (chord iii) ,
green= subdominant (chord IV) ,
cyan = dominant (chord V) ,
indigo= submediant (chord vi) ,
magenta= leading tone (chord vii)


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