Saving a new score just pops up a completely black dialogue box

• Jul 28, 2018 - 20:10

I'm trying to work on transcribing something and I started last night. I realised I had the metre wrong so I completely started over and tried to save it. The first time it crashed but then the second time it popped up with the dialogue box that is now completely black. I can't really access much and I certainly can't seem to save it. I tried repairing the installation and I un-installed and then re-installed it. Equally odd is that I can't seem to screenshot this black box. I know the screenshot (or PrtScn) button works as I can screenshot the image of saying that it can't get the image of the black box (see attachment). I tried several times, but that's not happening either. I'm using MuseScore 2.3.1 and MDL 1.1 (which sounds great by the way) all on Windows 7.

Little update: as I was going to head over to MuseScore to get the information I noticed that the normal dialogue box was kind of back and certain boxes and features were visible again, but most of it was blacked out still. I was able to save "Drowning Witch 2.0", but it did take quite a while for literally anything to pop up in the black dialogue box.

Attachment Size
No Image.png 139.22 KB


Also, Runtime crashing MuseScore has become a lot more common as well. For example, I just got a crash after trying to make a new time signature with the master palette. Last night I had one for trying to move one soundfont below another in the synthesiser. Maybe this could be related to the initial issue?

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