Tick Box for Enabling / Disabling - MIDI / Internal Synth

• Aug 25, 2018 - 04:43


Would including an I/O option checkbox Enabling / Disabling - MIDI / Internal Synth, such that if it isn't selected it isn't loaded at startup / running those code modules at all when not needed, gain some speed improvement by reducing background tasks ?

E.g. presently when you don't select Jack Audio and have JACK MIDI enabled no audio is appearing at the I/O device A/D, when you look at the Internal Synth the VU meter is still simulating sound, so code appears to be running otherwise the VU meter would be at rest.

e.g. enable /disable Y/N MIDI
Y/N Internal Synth


In reply to by rmattes

Easy way for someone to "try" arguments passed on a command line
open script editor and create a script something like

do shell script "open -a /Applications/MuseScore3.app --args --no-synthesizer"


do shell script "open -a /Applications/MuseScore3.app --args --no-midi"

save the file then hit the run arrow !

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