sounds for the drumline sound like random instruments

• Sep 13, 2018 - 00:34

I went back to using musescore after about 2 months, and all drumline sounds, now sound like random instruments rather than normal (even for new one I create) I downloaded the MDL drumline thing, but I would like to be able to listen to past scores that I've created without having to rewrite the parts. Any help?


Hard to say exactly without seeing thre score and knowing what soundfonts you have installed. But most liekly, there is simply a mismatch. Your older scores aren't using MDL obviously, so ythey won't work with the MDL soundfonts, but they should still work with whatever soundfont you were using before.

Since you mention having problems with even new score, my guess is you are attempting to use an ancient template that relied on an equally ancient soundfont, either that or you have attempted to install an incompatible soundfont.

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