Any workaround to install musescore on Win-10 without a way to control the firewall

• Sep 21, 2018 - 07:56


In the post I've raised the welll-known problem of the installation of musescore on Windows 10 which requires the Windows firewall to be started before installation (font control by microsoft).
I've tried the different options provided by the forum, starting the microsoft firewall, even setting to false the font checking done by Microsoft OS. No result. Impossible to start musescore.
I've realized that my cooporate admin system enforce the usage of McAfee as a firewall. I suspect that there is an impact.

So my question
How can I workaround from musescore, this problem of font checking ? Running in debug mode is working but provide a score with multiple line and the pdf export does not work ..

I'm very sad not beeing able to use this fantastic product any more....




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